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Dear Foreigners, Bahasa just means language

Whoaa... it's been a while since I visited this blog, and now we're already in 2025. Geez, time flies. How are you guys? I hope you're doing great. Anyhoo...something triggered me yesterday. I saw a thumbnail for a YouTube video and there's a list of the available captions, you know, the list of languages. Among the list, there's the word "Bahasa" stuck in the middle, and somehow that irked me. As an Indonesian, seeing the word "Bahasa" as the replacement for the Indonesian language is stinging me a little bit. The reason why is because IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! The word "Bahasa" means language in Indonesian. So whenever you use it to replace the word "Indonesian" (language), it looks weird - even stupid - because it only means language. Yes, "Bahasa" itself is already in Indonesian but still not the right way to use it. Quick Indonesian lesson here: In Indonesian, the way you want to say a certain language is b...

Disney's Indonesian Cultural Representative: 2022 UPDATE

Btw, hai!  Seriusan udah lamaaa banget ya gue gak bagi-bagi info soal Disney CRP. Udah sekitar 7 tahunan juga gue balik dari Disney. Njir, lama banget, tapi kok rasanya kayak masih kemaren ya? (masih susah move on juga). Hehehe. udah banyak juga junior-junior batch selanjutnya yang pergi dan pulang lagi dari Disney. Udah banyak yang berubah dari programnya itu sendiri. Nah di sini gue mau update sedikit aja kali ya beberapa hal yang sempet gue baca-baca tentang apa yang baru. Let's! What happened when COVID struck? Okay, sepertinya kita semua paham banget ya bahwa dari semenjak 2019 akhir sampe detik ini di 2022, kita semua di seluruh dunia masih terpengaruh oleh sebuah penyakit bernama COVID-19. Gila ya, gak berasa udah hampir 3 tahunan lho kita satu bumi ini dealing with illness. a lot of things happened during these years, and it's definitely affecting Disney's Cultural Representative Program. Yang gue inget para CRP Indo yang programnya sekitar 2019-2020 terpaksa harus ...

Disney's Indonesian Cultural Representative: MONEY - WHERE TO SPEND IT

Heyho!  Udah lama gak update soal CRP nih. Oh iya, sekali lagi gue mau bilang makasih banget buat yang udah nyempetin waktunya buat baca blog gue tentang CRP ini. Semoga emang bener-bener bisa bermanfaat dan membantu kalian ya. Bahas apa lagi ya di post kali ini? Hmmm... Gimana kalo bahas soal uang? I mean about what and where you should spend your money during the program. Agak aneh sih emang kalo gue ngasih ide tentang how you should spend your money karena itu kan urusan masing-masing individu ye. But hey, I'm here just to give you an insight of what I've experienced there. No need to follow my idea though. Hehe. Okay. Enough talking. Here I go. SEPATU KERJA Okay, seperti yang kalian tahu bahwa pekerjaan CRP ini adalah di dunia service dan kerjanya di theme park bukan di kantor. Karena itu, there will be no desk and chair in front of you, you'll be standing for a set period of time (around 7-8 hours per day), basically it's not a physically...

Let's Talk About: An Introvert Things

I just stumbled upon an article about introvert and I found that interesting because it perfectly describes me. The article is from here . It's about 10 things that introvert wants to let people know about them to make our lives easier. Let's talk about each point one by one and see how I can relate. 1. NEVER COME TO AN INTROVERT’S HOME WITHOUT WARNING THEM FIRST.  Nothing rocks our world quite like unexpected social interaction. No matter how much we like you, we need to know you are coming ahead of time. Otherwise, we will hide under the bed. You’ll know we’re there, we’ll know you know, and it will all be very awkward. Don’t do this to us. YESSSSS!!! I remember the day when my college friends were kind enough to give me a surprise birthday party in my own apartment. I didn't know anything about it, so when they finally knocked on my door and screamed "SURPRISE!", instead of feeling happy, I felt annoyed. I maybe smiled and thanked them but deep down ins...

Disney's Indonesian Cultural Representative: HOUSING EVENTS

Kali ini gue mau membahas soal Disney Housing events.  Sebagai Cast Member yang bekerja untuk memberikan senyuman ke semua tamu yang datang ke park setiap harinya pastinya juga butuh hiburan diluar kerja. Untuk itu, pasti ada saja event yang diadakan oleh pihak Housing untuk menghibur para Cast member yang sudah lelah bekerja. Mulai dari pesta formal sampai acara nobar di salah satu komplek housing. Gue bakal mendaftar acara apa saja yang bisa kalian datangi bahkan berpartisipasi aktif selama mengikuti program CRP di Orlando. DISNEY TRADITIONS Well, ini sebenernya acara wajib sih. Sebagai CM baru, lo pasti akan mengkuti acara ini. This is where you finally learn everything about Disney as a company and this is where you finally officially accepted as Cast member. Ini juga jadi tempat dimana lo bisa ketemu temen baru dari seluruh program. jadi lo bisa temenan sama CM lain yang mungkin gak bekerja di park yang sama kayak elo. Lumayan kan buat nambah-nambah temen dari park selai...

Let's Talk About: My TOP 10 of 2NE1's songs

Since we are no longer can get any new song from 2NE1 as a group in the future, I think it's time for me to rewind and see what TOP 10 songs from them that I like. It's gonna be hard since they been around for seven years and it means a lot of albums and a lot of songs to choose from. This is gonna be tough. But let's start - btw, I'm not gonna put them in order from one to ten. Lollipop Honestly, I don't really like the song but somehow it still stuck in my head. That easy-to-remember and easy-to-follow hook haunts me. Haha. Also, this song somehow is a legend. This is where the group being introduced to the music scene for the first time. Despite the super bright MV and ridiculous outfits in that video, I still like the fact that two of my favorite K-Pop groups ever being together for the first time. BIGBANG and 2NE1 4lyfe! Btw, Dara looks uber cute in the MV. Oh em gee. What kinda creature is she? Pretty Boy The reason why I like this song is because of...