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Let's Talk About: Favorite Disney Princesses

Hmmm...ini akan jadi bahasan yang sulit buat gue karena jujur aja sebagian besar nama dari daftar official Disney Princesses are really not my type. Sorry to say but for me some of those princesses are dumb. There, I said it. Gue suka princess yang bisa berdiri di kaki sendiri, mandiri dan berani untuk nyobain banyak hal di luar sana. Bukan seorang 14-tahun yang nyanyi soal true love. Like, what does a 14yo know about true love!? Freakin stoopid.

Okay, okay. Gue bikin post ini bukan untuk ngejek beberapa nama. Lebih baik langsung aja kali ya bahas princess favorit gue sesuai dengan kriteria yang gue suka. Let's!

Dari daftar Disney Official Princesses:

Princess pertama yang gue suka dari daftar adalah Merida from the movie Brave. Pas dia akhirnya dijadiin official Princess ke-11, gue seneng banget. Maaaan...akhirnya seorang Princess yang bentukannya gak kayak Princess. Hahaha. I mean look at her. Merida has a cool red messy hair that so bouncy and squishy. Udah gitu kelakuannya tomboi abis. Gimana gue gak jatuh cinta, coba? Jauh banget sama standar Disney Princess lainnya. Saat gue kerja sebagai Cast Member di Walt Disney World, jarang banget gue ngeliat anak kecil yang make kostum Merida di park.

When she finally became the 11th official Princess, I was so happy. Finally some other bad ass Princess on the list. With such a cool hair and personality, who doesn't love her? Well, apparently a lot of people don't. When I worked as a Cast Member at Walt Disney World, it's really hard for me to find a young girl who dressed up as Merida. Most of them dressed up as those princesses who love to sing to the animals. So when I saw one who dressed up as Merida, I praised the parents and the kid too. They're my buddies. *make buddies hand shake*

Another princess that kids really rare to dress up as (and also the princess that I like) is Fa Mulan from the movie Mulan. I only saw 2 kids who dressed up as her. Mulan is a true definition of bad ass princess. She knew kung fu, involved at war and saved the country. Duuude, how cool is that?! Not to mention that she had Shang as her love interest. Ah...Shang...*love eyes* Too bad Disney didn't really market Mulan like other Princesses. Pretty princess is standard. Bad ass princess is awesome.

The next name from the official princess list will be Pocahontas from the movie Pocahontas. She's so pretty. She's kind of innocent but adventurous at the same time. I saw a lot of kids like to dress up as her, which is good. It means a lot of people admire her. But one thing that always makes me sad is the fact that Disney never do justice about how Pocahontas portrayed in the park. I mean, those who played her is nothing near the portrayal in the movie. Pocahontas is a native American so she has that distinctive skin color and facial feature as native American will look like. But in the park, the one that portrays her is white af or sometimes looks like Asian. Disney, can you please cast someone who does look like native American? Pocahontas is not white nor Asian. Thank you.

Okay. I think those three are the ones that I like from the official list. The rest will be the unofficial Disney Princesses.

The first name from the unofficial list will be Kidagakash Nedakh or Kida from the movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Oh my goodness gracious, this girl is pretty. With the combination of dark skin and white hair, also a blue tattoo and blue eyes, she's really one of a kind. No wonder Milo instantly fell in love with her in the movie. She's so dang attractive. And at the same time she's not an easy girl. She's a warrior princess. You don't want to mess with her. It's really hard to find Kida at the park. Maybe because nobody can actually play Kida. It's really hard to portray her.

Esmeralda from the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame is another name that stands out from the unofficial list. Portrayed as a sexy gypsy who love to dance, she can easily capture the heart of the men who see her. But she's not an easy catch. She's really outspoken and really demand justice for everyone. A rebel, I can say. I'm glad that she finally married Phoebus. What a pair.

Another sexy and attractive but not easy to mess with is Megara aka Meg from the movie Hercules. Though her opinion about men are molded because of the fact that she's really heartbroken, but at least that's what finally making Meg as Meg, who doesn't easily fall for men. She can stand for herself and doing just fine without men. I like her quick-witted, cynical and sarcastic personality.

Those are the names that I really really like. If I have to put another names for consideration, probably I will put Belle from the movie Beauty and The Beast because she's smart, Tiana from movie The Princess and The Frog because she's hard working lady, Rapunzel from the movie Tangled because she's courageous, Jasmine from the movie Aladdin because she's independent and also Jane Porter from the movie Tarzan because she loves animal and adventurous.

So, what's yours?

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