Seberapa sering sih kalian mengidolakan pahlawan di dalam sebuah cerita? Mungkin sudah beribu-ribu kali. I mean, basically, heroes are the main character that mostly paid attention to. Jadi sepertinya sudah otomatis kalau orang-orang akan jauh lebih tertarik terhadap karakter itu.
Tapi beda kasus sama gue. Ketika orang banyak jauh lebih peduli atau menyukai para protagonis, sebaliknya, gue sangat jarang. Perhatian gue biasanya akan jauh lebih tertuju terhadap para antagonis. Para penjahat. Para peran yang biasanya akan dibenci oleh orang banyak karena telah merusak hidup sang tokoh utama. Jangan tanya kenapa karena gue pun gak pernah tahu alasannya. Selalu terjadi begitu saja. Mungkin otak gue emang selalu bekerja terbalik dari orang kebanyakan.
So in this post, I will talk some of my favorite villains. This time Disney edition. Let's start!
The first name that's worth mentioning is definitely Ursula from the movie The Little Mermaid. She's pretty much is my spirit animal. Haha.
The next one will be Scar from the movie The Lion King.
Hades from the movie Hercules is so cute.
With the scary face, Judge Claude Frollo from the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame is should be on the list.
She's barely heard but Yzma from the movie The Emperor's New Groove is a cool villain with one of a kind appearance.
Trio Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed from the movie The Lion King are funny to be with.
Don't be fooled by his cute appearance. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear aka Lotso from the movie Toy Story 3 is evil af.
Chernabog from the movie Fantasia is one cool villain.
Of course Maleficent from the movie Sleeping Beauty has to be mentioned too. But to be honest, I like her more when she's in dragon form rather than when she's a human.
So who's yours? Who else worth the mention?